...and now that we're discussing a fantasy redecoration...

Crafting is slow today as I concentrate on my job.

I work at home.

So of course, I procrastinate and do some virtual shopping. Is there a word for internet window shopping? Check out this Angela Adams rug. No, I'd never heard of her, either. Lovely, hm? Might be right on for the playroom/guest room re-do. Which leads me back to paying for it. Oh yes, the job!

Well, here I go. Back to the "donut factory" as my DH and I like to call our respective self-employed gigs.

Actually, I visited a real donut factory recently.

I'll post a pic tomorrow. It was very cool.

Okay -- enough procrastination, already!

Have a great day.

x ella


Jodie said…
oh, we just call both the jobs (not at home unfortunately) the factory.

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