Don't you love digital cameras?
The camera is of course out of charge -- just when I'm finally tidied up and inspired to take a picture. After cleaning my office/workroom. Looks dandy, but, ah well. So - now I'm charging up the batteries and pictures coming soon! I have a few things I'd like to share: a child's apron made out of French cotton napkin fabric; a robot-applique felt wallet for my son; a dress made of Katie Jump Rope dots; and a tutu, already too small for my daughter, just turned 3 and taller by the second. Also, a cotton tunic made of some Amy Butler (I know, it's everywhere -- but I couldn't resist the grey martini-balls or whatever it's called) -- with an odd Japanese twist.
Speaking of which, don't you love the Japanese "cute" aesthetic? I discovered a "one piece pattern" book that looks so yummy. But, on Amazon, only Japanese instructions. Hm...think I could shell out and just eyeball the patterns myself?
Speaking of which, don't you love the Japanese "cute" aesthetic? I discovered a "one piece pattern" book that looks so yummy. But, on Amazon, only Japanese instructions. Hm...think I could shell out and just eyeball the patterns myself?